Expense and Travel App - Approvers

Tips for approvers using the Expense and Travel Application. This app replaces the K2 Travel App effective 6/26/2024.

Access the Form

  1. Intranet: 1. https://vetmed.illinois.edu/intranet/ > Frequently Used Links! > Expense and Travel Approval
  2. Intranet: https://vetmed.illinois.edu/intranet/ > Forms > Travel & Reinbursement Forms > Expense and Travel Approval
  3. Directly via ShortURL:  https://go.vetmed.illinois.edu/ExpenseTravelApproval 

Approving a Request

Method 1:  Email Notification

Approvers will receive a push notification via email from the noireply@illinois.edu with a subject such as "Travel Request #xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-a:  Supervisor Approval Required".  Basic information about the request is in the body.  Click on the hyperlink after Link to Form to navigate to the form.  You will be prompted to login with your NetID and password.

Example email requesting approval.

Method 2:  Form Views

Depending on access, individuals have access to different form views.  If you think you should have access to a view and don't see it listed, contact IT@vetmed.illinois.edu for assistance.  Please read below so you will understand what these views do, and more importantly, do not show.  If you use these regularly, you can bookmark the specific Form View you use most often.

  • Grants Approval - The grants team can use this to keep track of all in-progress Grants requests.

  • Finance Approval - The finance team can use this to keep track of all in-progress Grants requests.

  • Dean Approval - This only shows forms pending International approval by the Dean.  It does NOT show forms where the Dean may need to approve at the earlier Supervisor or Dept Head approval steps.  Instead use the My Supervised or Department Approval views, or just rely on the email notices.

  • My Supervised - This shows forms where you are listed as the Supervisor.  It does NOT show forms currently at the Department Head or Dean approval step you may need to approve.

  • Admin:  Department Approval - This shows all forms pending Departmental approval and is only visible to Department Heads.  Only approve forms for your Department, even if you can see other departments pending approval.

Additional Help

  • For technical support contact IT@vetmed.illinois.edu.
  • For questions about travel policies or to suggest changes to the form, contact BSC@vetmed.illinois.edu.

  • For additional Knowledgebase articles, search "Travel" in the KB.

Technical Notes:

  • If approvers received an approval email they should have access.  The exception is Department heads, which may need to be added to cvmlists-k2-trv-deptheads.
  • If an approver receives an approval email but when they open the form they don't see an approve/deny option, this may be because it is a parallel approval step and a counterpart has already approved it.  Grants and Finance have multiple approvers, as do some Departments Head roles.  Check the status of the form to see if it is past the step that was requested to approve.

Keywordstravel request, form, approvers, expense, approval   Doc ID138109
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2024-06-26 09:59:46Updated2024-06-26 10:25:58
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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