SANDI - After Hours Emergency Visit Charge (FARMS)

The following article outlines the process for charging Emergency calls.

[This process applies to FARMS as of 7/10/24 and in SOP: After Hours Emergency Visit SOP

Charge Entry

Follow these steps tor the after-hours service call charge entry and to set the proper Performing Doctor within Charges to ensure proper credit.

  1. Enter the Emergency Service Fee, for FARMS this is code FS1 - FS Emergency Service Fee 
    • Note: FS1 is Taxable (tax will be charged unless the client is tax-exempt.)
    • Note: FS1 is NOT discount eligible
  2. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: The Performing Doctor, at the line-item charge level in Charges, MUST be set to the proper person who went out on the emergency call. (See Screenshot below)
    • Note: Failure to set the Performing Doctor properly will result in whoever is listed as the Performing Doctor to receive the credit. This field is automatically populated with the Visit doctor on Open Visits, which may be different, so ALWAYS check.

Accounting Procedure

For accounting purposes, the Audit Procedures report in SANDI can be used to generate a listing of each time FS1 is used and it will list the Performing Doctor:

  1. Select Reports & Queries
  2. Select Audit Procedures
  3. Enter to/from dates
  4. Enter FS1 as your procedure code
  5. Select Submit and the report will generate s shown below:
  6. Select Export
  7. Sort by Performed By column in Excel for an easier count. Use this for the basis on which the doctor gets credit.FINALLY, I would inactivate all intern/Resident codes and just use this process.

KeywordsFARMS, ER, emergency, intern, resident, faculty, reimbursement, call, farm   Doc ID138313
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2024-07-10 07:30:08Updated2024-07-10 09:48:31
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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