Password Creation: COM, Technology Solutions, AITS

Recommended rules for successful password creation

Create passwords 16 characters or longer

At Netid Center, the place UIC people use to set and change their institutional password, there are extensive password rules. Here's a helpdesk article that describes them.

However, there are some additional password rules that are not explicitly mentioned that make shorter passwords (12-15 characters) often unsuccessful without any error messaging at the time the password is created. To avoid this difficulty, create passwords longer than the stated minimum. 16 characters or longer will avoid these problems.

Sync password

If your password is 16 characters or longer and you are having difficulty accessing services, there are a couple troubleshooting steps you can take on your own:

Keywordspassword, sync, create password, passwords, netid   Doc ID138473
OwnerCharity C.GroupUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine
Created2024-07-17 10:52:17Updated2024-07-17 11:07:46
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine
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