FABPlus - Basic Training
This document provides some basic training for using the FABplus application.
Create Item
Follow the steps below to add a non-Banner item into FABPlus.
- Navigate to the EQUIPMENT tab.
- Click on Create Item.
- Enter data into the various fields*.
- Required Fields: Item Id, Description, Org Code, and Location.
- Click Save.
*Below is a list of optional Item Attributes:
- Category
- Supplemental Documents
- Loan Form Checkbox
- Keywords
- Notes
- Replacement Cycle
- Warranty Expiration Date
- Host Name
- Wired MAC Address
- Wireless MAC Address
- User
- IT Pro
Import Item
Follow the steps below to import a non-Banner item(s) into FABPlus.
- Navigate to the EQUIPMENT tab.
- Click on Import Items.
- Upload the completed CSV file.
Create CSV file as follows:-
- Ensure the file is in CSV format.
- Include the following columns in the file:
- ItemId
- Enter a non-duplicate value OR leave blank to auto-populate with default syntax
- Custodian NetId
- Description
- Org Code (6-digit)
- Category
- Location (6-digit code)
- Notes
- Serial# / VIN
- Invoice Number
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Keywords (separated by periods)
- Cost
- Purchase Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Warranty Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Host Name
- Replacement Cycle (enter years as whole numbers)
- Wired Mac Address
- Wireless Mac Address
- User NetId
- ITPro NetId
- Review the data parsed from your file.
Note: Cells with errors will be highlighted red. Hover for details. - If satisfied, select Process.
Item Actions
The following is a list of descriptions of item actions.
- View
- See item information (itemID, description, cost, etc.)
- Edit
- Edit item information
- Transfer
- Makes an item Inactive within your unit
- Records where the item will be going to
- Does not “transfer” any item data to the new unit
- Dispose/Remove
- Makes an item Inactive
- Records how/why the item was removed
- Enables recording of the Surplus Disposal (SD) Number
- Supplemental Docs
- Attaches any files with an item that may be useful
- Ex. Picture of what an obscure piece of equipment looks like
- Ex. PDF of user manual
- Attaches any files with an item that may be useful
- Loan Forms
Run Reports
Follow the steps below to run reports in FABPlus.
- Click the Reports tab.
- Click Select Report next to the desired report.
- General Report
- State Threshold Report
- Replacement Report
- FABPlus Role
- Choose the department(s) you want to report on and add desired field filters.
- Click View Report to generate the report.
- To export, click the disk icon and choose your desired file type (.xlsx, .csv, etc.)