FABPlus - Basic Training

This document provides some basic training for using the FABplus application.

Create Item

Follow the steps below to add a non-Banner item into FABPlus. 

  1. Navigate to the EQUIPMENT tab.
  2. Click on Create Item.
  3. Enter data into the various fields*.
    1. Required Fields: Item Id, Description, Org Code, and Location.
  4. Click Save.

*Below is a list of optional Item Attributes:

  • Category
  • Supplemental Documents
  • Loan Form Checkbox
  • Keywords
  • Notes
  • Replacement Cycle
  • Warranty Expiration Date
  • Host Name
  • Wired MAC Address
  • Wireless MAC Address
  • User
  • IT Pro

Import Item

Follow the steps below to import a non-Banner item(s) into FABPlus.

  1. Navigate to the EQUIPMENT tab.
  2. Click on Import Items.
  3. Upload the completed CSV file.
    Create CSV file as follows:
      1. Ensure the file is in CSV format.
      2. Include the following columns in the file:
        • ItemId
        • Enter a non-duplicate value OR leave blank to auto-populate with default syntax
        • Custodian NetId
        • Description
        • Org Code (6-digit)
        • Category
        • Location (6-digit code)
        • Notes
        • Serial# / VIN
        • Invoice Number
        • Manufacturer
        • Model
        • Keywords (separated by periods)
        • Cost
        • Purchase Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
        • Warranty Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
        • Host Name
        • Replacement Cycle (enter years as whole numbers)
        • Wired Mac Address
        • Wireless Mac Address
        • User NetId
        • ITPro NetId
  4. Review the data parsed from your file.
    Note: Cells with errors will be highlighted red. Hover for details.
  5. If satisfied, select Process.

Item Actions

The following is a list of descriptions of item actions.

  • View
    • See item information (itemID, description, cost, etc.)
  • Edit
    • Edit item information
  • Transfer
    • Makes an item Inactive within your unit
    • Records where the item will be going to
    • Does not “transfer” any item data to the new unit
  • Dispose/Remove
    • Makes an item Inactive
    • Records how/why the item was removed
    • Enables recording of the Surplus Disposal (SD) Number
  • Supplemental Docs
    • Attaches any files with an item that may be useful
      • Ex. Picture of what an obscure piece of equipment looks like
      • Ex. PDF of user manual
  • Loan Forms

Run Reports

Follow the steps below to run reports in FABPlus.

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. Click Select Report next to the desired report.
    1. General Report
    2. State Threshold Report
    3. Replacement Report
    4. FABPlus Role
  3. Choose the department(s) you want to report on and add desired field filters.
  4. Click View Report to generate the report.
  5. To export, click the disk icon and choose your desired file type (.xlsx, .csv, etc.)

KeywordsFABweb inventory acquisitions   Doc ID138947
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-08-06 13:21:58Updated2024-08-06 14:01:43
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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