Requesting a Custom Domain for Accredible Premium White Labeling Service

 This document explains the process for requesting a custom domain to utilize Accredible's premium white labeling service.

Please ask your IT support professional to submit the Accredible domain name request via this form:

Once the domain name has been created, notify Jordan Walsh at Accredible (, so their technical team can complete the configuration steps on their end.

Here’s a guide for completing the domain name request form fields:

  1. Type of Request: Please select “new .edu subdomain”
  2. Requested Domain: Enter desired domain here\
  3. Description: Explain that this is a subdomain for your unit’s Accredible account. (Example: “ will be associated with unit name’s account in the campus's standardized credentialing/badging service.”)
  4. University Account CFOP: provide unit account number to pay for domain
  5. University Account Name: provide unit account name to pay for domain
  6. Activity Code: optional
  7. From drop-down menu, select term of domain ownership (1 year is typical)

 *steps 8-11 are omitted from the form*

    12. Select “CNAME record”

 *steps 13-15 are omitted from the form*

    16. Third-level CNAME record target: enter 
    17. Fourth-level subdomains: optional
    18. Banner Org Code: lookup and enter unit Banner code from this list: List of Banner Org Codes
    19. How would you like to specify contacts and permissions for this domain?: select “Enter contacts and permissions manually on the next page”
    20. skip
    21. Primary Contact: enter name of technical contact person (most likely unit IT support professional)
    22. Select permissions for primary contact (optional): select desired permissions for primary contact
    23: Backup Contact: enter name of backup contact person
    24. Select permissions for primary contact (optional): select desired permissions for backup contact
    25. Administrative Contact: enter name of administrative contact person (most likely the person requesting the Accredible domain)
    26. Select permissions for primary contact (optional): select desired permissions for administrative contact


If you have questions, please contact your unit IT professional or

Accredible, custom URL, custom domain, cname, white label 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Amy M. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services