TDX at Illinois, View-Only Role Overview

Overview of TDX at Illinois View offered in TDX


The View-Only role is a role in TeamDynamix (TDX) with a limited set of permissions that gives an IT Pro visibility into another Campus Unit’s TDX Application.

Value-Add use cases

  1. Campus Unit IT groups want the ability to track tickets that originate from their ticketing Applications.
  2. Campus Unit IT groups want the ability to delegate View-Only role to optimize their staff and resources.
  3. Campus Unit IT groups want the ability to report on tickets sent through the TDX Transfer Hub for analysis.

How to get the role

Only TDX App Admins and Technicians can use the View-Only role. An Application Administrator from a Technician’s Ticketing App, must on their behalf, make a request to the TDX System providing their use-case. Approval from the Technician’s manager is required. 

How to use the View-Only role

  1. Navigate to TDNext
  2. Locate the waffle menu in the top left corner.
  3. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
  4. Within the waffle menu, the target Ticketing App will now appear. The Technician may now click to open the Ticketing App and view tickets.
  5.  A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

KeywordsTDX, TeamDynamix, TDX at Illinois, View-only, View only, view, transferhub, transfer hub, U of I Main, UofIMain   Doc ID144014
OwnerTechServices-ABAGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2024-10-24 08:58:14Updated2024-10-24 10:03:50
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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