iBuy - Closing a Purchase Order in iBuy (Purchasing Only)

This job aid explains how to close a purchase order in iBuy for those with access.

Those with the Buyer role have access to close a Purchase Order in iBuy.

In most cases, closing a PO in iBuy will sync to Banner and the PO will be closed in both systems. However, there are a few situations which will require a PO to be closed directly in Banner.

If a PO is closed in Banner and the PR/PO creation date is after 2/2/2024, the integration should sync back to iBuy and put PO it in a soft close status. On 6/18/24 Chg32114 was implemented so when a PO is closed in Banner the integration will only attempt to close a PO in iBuy if the PO was after 1/23/2024. When viewing a soft close PO in iBuy there is a warning message across the top, that states “This PO is in Soft Close status so not edits can be made to this PO and no receipts or invoices can be entered. To take these actions, open the PO.”

The PO will not be in closed status in iBuy until after 90 days from the soft close date due to the current AP system setting.

Suggested Checklist Before Closing a PO in iBuy to avoid system errors:

To ensure the PO close message from iBuy will successfully sync and close the PO in Banner there are a few checks that the Buyer role can take before selecting the Close PO action on the PO in iBuy:

  • Purchase Order DateIf the PO was created before 9/20/2022, the PO will need to be closed directly in Banner. iBuy Purchase Orders created before this date are not eligible for closing in iBuy because they do not have the necessary field values to pass to Banner via the integration.
  • Owner Name – Check to make sure the PO Owner Name is not italicized and or says inactive. If the current owner is not active in iBuy you will need to reach out to AITS iBuy Production Support aitsibuyproductionsupport@uillinois.edu and ask them to update the owner to an active user before closing the PO in iBuy.
  • Accounting Date – Review the Accounting Date on the PO to make sure the field is empty, or the date listed is in a past or the date is in the current fiscal year. If the PO has an Accounting Date in a future fiscal year, the PO will need to be closed directly in Banner.
  • Fund Code – If the Accounting Codes section on the PO lists a State Fund code from a previous fiscal year, the PO will need to be closed directly in Banner on a day when that State Fund value is open. Contact Bridget To bridgett@uillinois.edu and Alex Bilangino bilangi2@uillinois.edu in UAFR to coordinate a date for the State Fund to be open.
  • Pending Invoices – Check in iBuy or Banner FOIDOCH or FAIINVL and or BDM, to see if the PO has any pending or on hold invoices. If the PO does have pending invoices, reach out to University Payables, and ask if they can remove the Banner header for the pending invoice before moving forward with closing the PO in iBuy.
  • PO Status in Banner – Review the PO status in Banner to make sure the PO is not already closed. If the PO is already closed in Banner, it does not need to be closed in iBuy. Keep in mind occasionally someone prior to you may have closed a line on a PO in Banner and not the entire PO. This can be validated in FPIPURR when viewing line details.

Closing a Purchase Order in iBuy:

To close a PO in iBuy follow the steps below:

  1. Use the ellipses (three dots) in the upper right to expand the options.
  2. Scroll down to Close PO and select.
  3. In the Add Note box, provided the cancellation information such as request or ticket number or the name of the individual making the request.
  4. Select OK.

Reopening a Purchase Order in iBuy:

To open a closed PO in iBuy, follow the steps below:

  1. Use the ellipses (three dots) in the upper right to expand the options.
  2. Scroll down to Open PO and select.
  3. In the Add Note box, provided the information about why the PO is being reopened, such as request or ticket number or the name of the individual making the request.
  4. Select OK.

Please note that if a PO that needs to be re-opened is closed in both Banner and iBuy, you will need to re-open the PO in both systems.

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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources