Diverse Spend Dashboard: Glossary

This article provides a glossary of terms found in the Diverse Spend Dashboard.

Access the Diverse Spend Dashboard at the Diverse Spend Dashboard web page.


BEP/BEP Vendor: A certified diverse vendor as denoted by certifications from CEI, Cook County, or the City of Chicago.

CEI (Council on Equity and Inclusion): The preeminent state authority of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives for Illinois.

Campus/Chart/University/Level 1: Either term represents the four Universities as part of the University of Illinois System (UIUC, UIC, UIS, and System Offices)

School/Level 3: Either term represents a school that falls within a chart. For example, the Gies College of Business.

Department/Level 5: Either term represents a department that falls within a school.

DSG (Dollars subject to the goal): The portion of budget relevant for diverse spend measurement. This value is derived from the annual BEP Compliance plan and is the denominator of our BEP percentage calculation.

Fiscal Year: University fiscal year runs from July 1st-June 30th. For example, fiscal year 25 is July 1st, 2024 - June 30th, 2025.

Tier 1 Vendor: Represents direct spend with a business or vendor.

Tier 2 Vendor: Represents spend from a tier 1 vendor to a subcontractor. 

If you would like to see other definitions, please contact procurementservices@uillinois.edu

To Download Diverse Spend Data visit: Downloading Data

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