Universe Conversion: Storing Documents Correctly in EDDIE

All documents stored correctly in the EDDIE repository will be automatically repointed to the new universe during this project. The following article will explain where to correctly store documents, and the common incorrect locations that will not be included in the automatic repoint process.

Background about the Business Objects Universe Conversion project

As part of SAP's evolution of the Business Objects platform, they will no longer support the legacy universe format in the next major update. SAP introduced a new universe format in 2015, and AITS has been creating all new universes in that format since then. However, many of our universes were created prior to 2015 and remain in the legacy format. These older universes need to be converted to the new format at this time.

Once the legacy universes are converted to the new format, all documents that query those universes will need to be repointed from the legacy universe to the new universe.

All documents stored correctly in the EDDIE repository will be automatically repointed to the new universe. If you as a user and your unit store all needed documents within the EDDIE repository, there is nothing you or your unit will need to do for this part of this project, other than making sure the documents are stored correctly.

However, if you or your unit use the Web Intelligence Rich Client application on your desktop and store reports outside the EDDIE repository (on a user’s desktop, on a unit’s network drive, in a Box folder, etc.), these documents will not be automatically repointed. They must be manually repointed by the user within 90 days of the conversion.

Universes will be converted in groups based on subject area. AITS will be sending communications to users with access to the affected universes throughout this project. You will know when universes are to be converted, and when the 90-day time frame ends.

How/Where to Store Documents Correctly in EDDIE

Personal Documents

Personal documents, used by individual users, should be stored in the Personal Folders section of the Folders tile within EDDIE.

  • To get to this location, log into EDDIE and click on the Folders tile. You will automatically land in your Personal Folders section.

Documents that only reside in a user's BI Inbox will NOT be automatically repointed. Any documents that a user wishes to be automatically repointed must be saved in the Personal Folders section of the Folders tile.

  • From your BI Inbox, right click the document, and select Organize > Cut. Navigate to the Personal Folders section in the Folders tile, right click the folder you want to paste it to and select Organize > Paste.
  • Alternatively, if the document is already open in EDDIE, you can simply click the Save As toolbar icon to save the document to a location in your Personal Folders section.

Documents in ~WebIntelligence or any form of Webi Conversion (ex. Webi Conversion 2) folders will NOT be automatically repointed. The ~WebIntelligence folder is used by the Business Objects system as a repository for documents that have been auto-saved and is not meant to be a location where user documents are stored indefinitely. The Webi Conversion folders were used many years ago when AITS switched users from a Desktop Intelligence tool to the Web Intelligence interfaces we use today, and similarly, are not meant to be locations where user documents are stored indefinitely. Any documents that a user wishes to be automatically repointed must be saved in the Personal Folders section of the Folders tile.

  • From the Personal Folders section, right click the document you want to move and select Organize > Cut. Navigate to the Personal Folders section in the Folders tile, right click the folder you want to paste it to and select Organize > Paste.
  • Alternatively, if the document is already open, you can simply click the Save As toolbar icon to save the document to a new location in your Personal Folders section.

Shared Documents

Shared documents, used by multiple users within a unit, should be stored in a Shared Unit Folder in the Public Folders section in the Folders tile within EDDIE.

  • To get to this location, log into EDDIE, click on the Folders tile, select Public Folders on the left and scroll down to the Shared Unit Folder for the campus your unit is affiliated with.

Shared Unit Folders have members who can edit and add documents to their folder and other members who can only read/refresh the documents there. If you would like additional documents added to your unit's Shared Unit Folder, please contact a member who has access to add documents to the folder.

If your unit would like to establish a Shared Unit Folder in EDDIE for the purposes of sharing documents among unit colleagues, please submit a ticket to Decision Support. We can assist with bulk uploading documents into the EDDIE environment, as well.

~WebIntelligence Webi 
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University of Illinois Training and Development Resources