UAFR - My-UI-Financials - Finance Process Performance Measures

This job aid provides a high-level overview of the Finance Process Performance Measures dashboard within My-UI-Financials.

FPPM Purpose

  • Ability to measure the effectiveness of your business processes
  • Provides actionable data
  • Allows you to access information based on chart, college, and/or department for the following areas:
    • FABweb New Acquisition Aging
    • Unreconciled Card Transactions
    • Misclassified C-FOAP Balances
    • Invalid Fund Type – NACUBO Combination

FPPM Capability

Dashboard has five tabs for retrieving information.

  • Tab 1: Summary provides a quick view of all items based on your filter option that need to be reviewed and/or resolved
    • FABweb New Acquisition Aging: displays total number of new equipment acquisitions that have a status of open/pending Otag records in the FABweb system.
    • Unreconciled Card Transactions: displays total number of unprocessed/unreconciled card transactions that haven’t been submitted to University Payables for processing and are not posted in Banner.
    • Misclassified C-FOAP Balanes: displays the total dollar amount of an operating ledger C-FOAP balance that is potentially using an incorrect combination of fund, organization, or program code or a balance that doesn’t conform to the basic fund type C-FOAP design.
    • Invalid Fund Type – NACUBO Combination: displays the dollar amount of an expense that was posted that is not allowed based on the combination of the fund type used and the hierarchy of the program code (which represents the function, such as research, public service, academic support, etc.).
  • Tab 2 through 5: provide the details of the numbers displayed in the Summary section

FPPM Dashboard

The My-UI-Financials Finance Process Performance Measures provides actionable data to measure the effectiveness of a unit’s business processes. Data is presented on chart, college, and/or department level.

To access the Finance Process Performance Measures dashboard, log into My-UI-Financials and select the Finance Process Performance Measures link in the menu bar at the top.

FPPM Landing Page

After clicking the link and allowing the page to load, data on FABweb New Acquisition Aging, Unreconciled Card Transactions, Misclassified C-FOAP Balances, and Invalid Fund Type – NACUBO Combination will display in the Summary tab. The callout items are described in more detail below the graphic.

The Finance Process Performance Measures dashboard contains five tabs to view data on your business processes based on your filter selections.

Filter Menu

The drop-down Filters default setting is All, which provides information for the entire University of Illinois System. It is highly recommended to make selections on the three filter options in order to obtain information specific to your unit or department.

  • Chart: Use this option to select Chart of Accounts (COA) code.
  • College: Use this option to select from two-character College code.
  • Department: Use this option to select from three-digit Department code or three-digit Org code.


The Finance Process Performance Measures dashboard contains five tabs to view data on your business processes based on your filter selections.

Summary Tab

FABweb New Acquisition Aging and Unreconciled Card Transactions display the number of items for review based on days. Misclassified C-FOAP Balance and Invalid Fund Type - NACUBO Combination displays the dollar amount for review.

  • FABweb New Acquisition Aging: Total number of new equipment acquisitions that have a status of open/pending Otag records in the FABweb system. 

  • Unreconciled Card Transactions: Total number of unprocessed/unreconciled card transactions that haven’t been submitted to University Payables for processing and are not posted in Banner. 

  • Misclassified C-FOAP Balances: The total dollar amount of an operating ledger C-FOAP balance that is potentially using an incorrect combination of fund, organization, or program code or a balance that doesn’t conform to the basic fund type C-FOAP design.

  • Invalid Fund Type – NACUBO Combination: The dollar amount of an expense that was posted that is not allowed based on the combination of the fund type used and the hierarchy of the program code (which represents the function, such as research, public service, academic support, etc.).

Toolbar Icons

  • Undo: Allows you to undo the last action.
  • Redo: Allows you to redo an action that you have just undone.
  • Reset: Removes all filters and takes you back to a blank filter slate.
  • Refresh: This function refreshes the data based on filter selection.
  • Pause/Resume: This function allows you to pause the loading of selected filters and prevents them from loading. To continue, you must click Resume.
  • Save Custom View: This function allows to save filters applied to eliminate the need to filter every time you open the dashboard.
  • Download: Provides access to the built-in download options, including Image, PDF, PowerPoint, or Comma-Separated Values (CSV) formats. 
  • Full Screen: Allows you to view the window in Full Screen mode.
  • Share: Due to permission restrictions, this function does not work. Do not use.

Quick Download Tool

The Quick Download tool is the quickest way to export a spreadsheet-compatible section of the active tab. First, you must select filters and wait for the tabs to load before you can use this function. This allows you to download a section of the active tab, based on the drop-down filter selection.

  • Selections in the drop-down filter will vary based on the tab that is currently being viewed.
  • Downloaded data will be a comma-separated values (.CSV) file.

FPPM Access

How to access My-UI-Financials - FPPM dashboard?
Who can access My-UI-Financials – FPPM dashboard?
  • Anyone with a Net ID and password
    • USC doesn’t need to submit a request 
    • Report Assigner doesn’t need to provide you access via My-UI-Financials Access Manager

My-UI-Financials Additional Resources


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Owned by:
Ellen K. in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources