Service - Device Management and Protection (Endpoint Management)

Technology Services provides access to tools to manage and protect university devices.

What Is It?

The Endpoint Management service delivers centralized technology to aid in the comprehensive management of endpoint computers. The Endpoint Management service provides tools for IT staff to help manage applications, update software, deploy operating systems, and help ensure desktop/laptop compliance within university policies.

Other Service Names

Endpoint Management, Encryption


  • Windows Device Management via MECM or Intune
  • Apple Device Management via Jamf
  • Device Encryption via Apple FileVault or Microsoft BitLocker
  • Antimalware protection via Microsoft Defender

Who Is Eligible To Use It?

  • IT Pros

Where Can I Get It?

To get started, use the appropriate button on this page to Submit Request for either Intune or Jamf.

How Do I Use It?

End users should contact their local IT for support.

How Can I Find Out More?

View How can Device Management help me / my unit? for additional information. Technology Solutions also welcomes any questions you have about this service. Please reach out to us.

device management access tools mecm 
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John C. in University of Illinois - Enterprise Service Catalog
University of Illinois - Enterprise Service Catalog