Transferring Folder Ownership in Box Drive

Instructions on how to transfer ownership of a Box file/folder from one staff member to another.
  1. Log into Box at
  2. Navigate to the folder you wish to transfer to a new owner. 
  3. If the new owner already is added to this folder skip to step 7. If not, you will need to first share this folder with the new owner. While in the folder, click on the Blue Share button
    .Box Folder view with the blue share button circled red.
  4. In the Text Box under Invite People, type the Name or Email of the staff member you wish to add to the folder. 
  5. Ignore the blue text to Invite as ROLE for now, as you are going to change this to Owner in another step.
  6. Click the Blue Send button. 
    Image of Box Share Folder Feature.
  7. Click the ellipsis (...) and hover over More Actions, then click on Manage Collaborators.
    Instructions to click on the ellipses then More Actions, then Manage Collaborators in the Box Folder.
  8. To the right of the person's account, you want to make the new owner click the Blue Text and Arrow. A drop-down will appear with all the roles you can select for users; click Owner.
    Picture showing to click the blue text next to user name to change their permission role to owner.
  9. A Popup will appear asking you to confirm. Click Okay. 
    Pop up confirmation to confirm transferring ownership.

Box, Transfer, Folder, Ownership, 
Doc ID:
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Wil B. in University of Illinois Extension KB
University of Illinois Extension KB