Online Storage Options for Extension Files
Regardless of your choice in online storage, ALL your documents, files, folders, and projects created for Extension should be stored in one of the online options for safe and secure data retention. Files stored only on your laptop, computer, or iPad are not backed up or recoverable in case of damage, theft, or loss.
Save your hard work online!
Box ( folders)
Box has been our long-time cloud storage solution for sharing files with others or accessing files across different devices.
When should you use Box to store files?
Box storage is best for these specific scenarios:
- You need to share files across Units or teams within Extension; you can use Box to invite others to view or edit your files and folders.
- You need to back up your local documents for safe online storage using Box Drive or Box Drive can sync your files directly from your computer as you work and travel to make sure if something happens to your laptop, the files will be safe in the cloud.
- You need to share a file with the public by emailing or publishing a hyperlink.
S: Drive (Windows mapped drive/DFS share)
The S: drive is a safe, secure online storage space maintained by Extension IT staff, and the files are kept on servers located in the University of Illinois data centers. These servers are backed up and maintained behind campus firewalls for safekeeping.
When should you use the S: drive to store files?
The S: drive is best for these scenarios:
- Your files are being created and used by Unit staff. Any file created for an Extension Unit used by Extension staff should be stored on S: by default.
- You need to share files with your supervisor or program lead.
- You need to make sure files are safe for organizational memory; programming or team files that are handed off from educator to educator or EPC to EPC, as people in those positions might change over the years.
- Sensitive or confidential files (but not personal) should always go on the S: drive. The S: drive is the most secure storage available to Extension staff.
Teams (SharePoint, Teams folders)
Teams folders are relatively new and were built into Microsoft Teams collaboration software. You can access or create these folders in any Team you are a member of, and they are sorted by channel. Teams is meant to be used as an active workspace, not as a long-term storage space for organizations. Inactive or abandoned Teams spaces are deleted after 1 year of inactivity, so once your files are considered complete or finalized, they should be moved to S: drive or to Box for long-term storage.
When should you use Teams to store your files?
Microsoft Teams is meant to facilitate collaboration among users and can be used in the following scenarios:
- You are actively working on files with members of the Team, within Extension or across campus with UofI colleagues, and collecting resources to advance projects or initiatives.
- You need to use files for presentations or collaborations which will be hosted in Teams meetings online. [Zoom meetings should use Box for this purpose.]
OneDrive (Microsoft personal cloud storage)
Microsoft OneDrive is available to any user with an active Office365 license, which includes all Extension staff. While it is sometimes useful if you are changing devices or locations frequently, we do not recommend you use OneDrive as permanent storage for files at this time. OneDrive files can be shared with others, but because the accounts are owned by NetID, they cannot be managed by Extension IT if trouble occurs.