Banner - How can I receive my official transcripts/grade history.

I want to look at my grades using Banner (Academic History). I need an official transcript. When I try to request a transcript, I get the error that there is no preferred email address in Banner.

You can view your unofficial transcript (academic history) or order an official transcript by logging into Student Faculty & Staff Self-Service.

  • Select - Your University
  • Enter -Net  ID and password
  • Select - Registration and Records
  • Select - Student Records and Transcripts
  • Select - Official Transcripts or Academic History

 Former students (after Fall 2004) will always retain their Net ID, but because the Net ID  password expires, must change their Net ID password by:

  1. Using the "Forgotten or expired password" link at the NETID Center  this will use your recovery options set on the system.
  2. If you do not have recovery options stored on the system,  Call AITS Service Desk at (217) 333-3102 or (312) 996-4806 , please provide your UIN.  If you do not know your UIN, you can visit the I-CARD website, fill out the information in the box and click Submit. It will give you your UIN. If you receive an error and cannot get the UIN, please contact the I-card office. Former students (prior to Fall 2004) usually do not have NetID accounts. Contact the  I-CARD office. 
    • Urbana - 217-244-0135
    • UIC - 312-413-5940
    • UIS - 217-206-7718
  3. You can order official transcripts without a NetID or password. Use the option for former student at the Office of Registrar website.
  4. Order transcripts In person, or in writing, contact the Office of  the Registrar for instructions. 
    • Urbana 217-333-9778
    • UIC 312-996-8600
    • UIS 217-206-6709
  5. Preferred email address missing in banner errors, contact the Office of Registrar.
    • Urbana (217) 333-6565
    • UIC (312) 996-8600
    • UIS (217) 206-4847

AITS, grades, transcripts, no preferred email address in banner 
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AITS ESC Student in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System