Banner - Incorrect Email Address or Phone Number on Banner Requisition - FOMPROF

My email address or phone number appearing on Banner requisitions is wrong, but I confirmed they are correct in My UI Info (Nessie). How can I get this corrected on Banner requisitions?
To update your phone number or email address on Banner requisitions, send an email requesting the update to the AITS System Access Management group (  They will need to update this information on your FOMPROF record using the FOBPROF page in Banner.

KeywordsAITS, phone number, email, address, requisition, incorrect, office number, Nessie, FOBPROF, FOMPROF, finance, My UI Info   Doc ID35850
OwnerMike N.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2013-12-10 15:21:26Updated2019-06-03 09:33:54
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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