HR Front End - Training and website

I need to know how to get to the HRFE website. I want to sign up for HRFE training.
The URL for HRFE information on the Systems Human Resource Services site is:

The URL for the HRFE training courses is:

If there is a problem with any of the links, contact the AITS Service Desk: (312) 996-4806 (UIC); (217) 333-3102 (UIS/Illinois) or, and they will send a ticket to your campus HR for you.

KeywordsAITS, HRFE website, HRFE training   Doc ID37945
OwnerCheri G.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2014-02-25 14:07:00Updated2022-02-23 10:48:37
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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