Office 365, Email, Exchange, Delegates

How do I give someone the ability to send messages for me or manage my calendar with Exchange and Outlook?

Similar to having an assistant that helps you manage your incoming paper mail, another person, known as a delegate, can receive and respond to email messages and meeting requests and responses on your behalf. You can also grant the delegate additional permissions to read, create, or change items in your mailbox.

How to add and manage delegates:

Windows: See Microsoft's page.

Mac: See Microsoft's page.

Note: Delegates can only be edited if you are logged into an account as the account itself from Outlook Desktop or in Outlook on the Web. If you are only viewing a shared calendar, you will not be able to manage Delegates. 

Using your delegate permissions:

For instructions on how to manage someone else's email and calendar, see here.

Note: Delegation does not mean you have Mailbox access to view the mailbox of your Delegator.  If the delegate needs to actually see the mailbox and folders it contains, the delegator needs to add permissions manually to all the folders the Delegate needs to see. If they need to see the Entire mailbox and all the folders then permissions need to be added to the top folder that sits above the Inbox folder:

KeywordsDelegate permission send email Exchange delegation 2016 outlook 365 manage mail calendar create edit change delete management   Doc ID47990
OwnerOffice 3.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2015-03-03 15:20:32Updated2024-07-24 16:28:08
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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