HR Front-End - End of the Year Issue with Position Data

How to solve the end of year issue with position data.

There is a known End of Year issue that we would like to bring to your attention.  There is an application limitation that will not allow transactions that are initiated prior to 6/30/XXXX to be successfully applied on or after 7/1/XXXX, if they have proposed changes to one or more of the following values in the Position Data accordion:


·         Budget Org

·         Labor Distribution:

·         Index

·         Fund

·         Organization

·         Account

·         Program

·         Activity

·         Location


One transaction type that will be impacted with this limitation is the New Hire transaction, where the position is newly created as part of the transaction.  If you are needing to a create a new position for your new hire, we would recommend that during this time, you create a new position via a Position Creation Maintenance (PCM) transaction and apply the transaction before June 30th .  You can then initiate the New Hire transaction.


Therefore, if you know you are going to need to initiate a transaction which includes creation or changes to a position, we would encourage you to initiate those transactions only if, there is enough time to get them applied prior to 6/30/XXXX, otherwise we suggest that you hold and initiate transactions with position changes after 7/1/XXXX.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your campus HR office or the AITS Service desk via one of the methods outlined in this KnowledgeBase article:  


AITS, HR Front End, HRFE, end of year issue, position data 
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Cheri G. in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System