Webstore, Enable ESRI ArcGIS extension within ArcMap

I'm trying to run an ESRI ArcGIS extension but am getting an error that the extension is not installed or the license is not available. What do I do?

This typically occurs if the extension has not be enabled within the ESRI software.

Enabling Extensions

To enable an extension, select Extensions from the Customize menu in ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene (the application that comes with the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension).

Cutomize menu

The Extensions dialog box lists the extensions currently installed on your system that work with the application you are using. For example, if you are using ArcCatalog, you'll only see extensions listed that work with ArcCatalog. Extensions are listed in this dialog box whether or not you have registered them or whether or not licenses are currently available for them on your License Manager.

To enable an extension, check the box next to it.

Extensions menu

If the extension is successfully enabled, the box will appear checked.

Enabling an extension does not cause the extension's user interface to appear automatically; it simply enables any controls that the extension provides. If the extension's controls are on a toolbar, such as the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension toolbar, you will still need to display the toolbar by choosing it from the Toolbars pull-right menu in the View menu.

Toolbar selection

If you need further assistance please contact, U of I WebStore

KeywordsWebStore ESRI tool licensed error   Doc ID56215
OwnerWebstore W.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2015-09-13 12:58:39Updated2024-10-23 16:39:36
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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