Webstore, Choosing an operating system when purchasing a computer for your department

What should I choose if I am purchasing a computer for my department?

When purchasing a computer, you should customize the default configuration and select the least expensive Windows operating system option. The system configuration price can be reduced, by selecting this option. Please check with your department IT administrator before ordering, as there can be exceptions to this strategy.

The Microsoft Campus Agreement allows computers to be upgraded, imaged or installed with Windows 10 Enterprise edition as long as they have shipped from the manufacture with a qualifying operating system.

This document is a valuable reference. Qualifying Operating Systems for Upgrade License

You should never purchase Microsoft Office from the hardware vendor, as this product available through the Microsoft Campus Agreement at no charge.

Windows and Office are available for University-owned equipment on WebStore under the Unit Purchase section.

Related articles you might find helpful:

WebStore campus agreement Windows qualifying operating system Upgrade 
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