Kaltura, Adding chapters to media
How to add chapters to media
How to add chapters to media
- Navigate to your 'My Media' page by logging into mediaspace.illinois.edu. My Media will be on the menu under your name. You can also access My Media through Canvas.
- You will see your media arranged in a list. On the right side of the page, each entry will have a pencil icon 'Edit' button. Select this to edit the media.
- You will also find an edit button on any of page where you can view media that you own. It will be below the video on the right, in the 'Actions' drop-down menu.
- Select the "Timeline" tab.
- Watch through the video or move the playhead to where you want to place the first chapter marker.
- Click the top button, 'Create a new chapter', on the left of the timeline.
- The chapter editor will appear. The following metadata can be added for a chapter:
- Chapter Title
- This is the display name of the chapter
- Chapter Start Time
- This is auto populated with the time the playhead was at when the 'Create a new chapter' button was pressed.
- Enter a different time to change where the chapter starts.
- Chapter Description
- This is the displayed description for the chapter
- Search Tags
- This is for comma separated search tags that apply to the specific chapter content.
- Thumbnail
- This is auto populated with the frame that matches the time when the 'Create a new chapter' button was pressed.
- A new thumbnail may be uploaded for each chapter.
- Once the relevant metadata has been entered for the chapter, click the '+ Save' button to add the chapter to the timeline. Note: You must at least enter a title for the chapter.
- After saving the chapter, you may move the playhead and continue adding chapters or click on existing chapter icons in the timeline to edit them.
- Note: to delete a chapter, click on it's icon and select 'Delete Chapter' below the '+ Save' button.
[Doc 57917 content is unavailable at this time.]