Kaltura, Channel settings

How to edit channel settings

How to set or edit channel settings

To set or edit a channel's settings, do the following. (This assumes you have already logged into Media Space and are at the channel you wish to edit).
1. In the header bar for the channel, under the Media Space orange menu, you will see an icon with 3 horizontal bars. This is the control menu for the channel. From this menu you can edit the settings and membership of the channel, set the thumbnail for the channel, and view analytics. We will only cover the channel settings here.
Channel edit icon
Select the menu icon and then select Edit.
2. From the Details tab 
    • you can rename the channel and add additional description to make the channel easier to locate in a search. You can also include links to other locations in the description. A description is required.
    • you can edit the Privacy of the channel 
      • Open: Anyone logged into Media Space can see the content in the channel and add to it
      • Restricted: Anyone with a netid can see the content when logged in, but only specific netids you specify can add media. (This is a very common channel setting)
      • Private: Only specifics netids can see the content and add to the channel. The ability to add media is based the Members setting below. (This is also very common, often for course channels) You can add the netids individually or contact the Kaltura admins to do bulk additions.
      • Shared Repository: All members of this type of channel can publish any video in this channel to another channel or gallery (to which they have permission to publish).  This type of channel is very useful for groups that collaborate on producing and publishing media.  
      • Public: All content can be viewed by anyone, whether they are logged into Media Space or not. This is truly public so be careful using this setting. This setting also allows students to post media to the world. Public channels can also be attached to an existing Unit or College gallery, a useful tool for organizing content by topic. More on public channels
    • you can set options for the channel
      • Moderate content: the channel manager or moderator must approve all content from contributors. This can become tedious to approve all content, so consider the use case before selecting this.
      • Enable comments in channel: allows all logged in users to comment on media in the channel
      • Keep comments private to channel: we recommend selecting this if media is in more than one channel. This keeps comments specific to the channel using the media.
      • Force media published only to this channel to always be played in the context of the channel: if you publish videos in a channel (and they are only in one channel) and someone finds them through a search, this function will display the video with a link back to the channel.   
      • Enable subscription: to be honest, this isn't very useful. A user doesn't receive notifications with the subscription, subscribing just adds another filter to My Channels.
Make sure to SAVE changes. (for more information: https://knowledge.kaltura.com/help/create-a-channel-in-kaltura-mediaspace)
3. Playlists Tab
The Playlists tab is different than a user creating a playlist. The channel playlist allows a channel manager to group media by topic or time period (week 1, week 2, etc). The Playlist appear in the channel listing. Channel Playlists are covered in this article
4. Users tab
The Users tab is where you set permissions and add user netids. You can only add one netid at a time. When you add a netid, or if you want to change permissions, the settings are:
    • Member: a channel member can view content and that is all. No commenting
    • Contributor: a channel member can add content and make comments. We recommend this as the default setting for channels.
    • Moderator: a moderator can approve content held for moderation, and contribute content.
    • Manager: a manager can add and remove content; edit the settings for the channel; and view analytics.
    • Owner: there can only be one owner of a channel, this is the creator of the channel by default.

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channel, channels, settings, editing, options, 
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Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services