ATLAS Reporting - Clusters of LAS Majors

LAS program clusters are similar to academic disciplines ( However, unlike disciplines, clusters are nonoverlapping. Each LAS major belongs to a single cluster. This makes clusters more convenient for reporting purposes.


ATLAS worked with the LAS Dean's Office to define clusters in 2006. Since then there have been periodic revisits.
This list includes programs which are no longer current, but which are still relevant for historical reporting.


Biological Sciences

Department Major
Biochemistry Biochemistry
Cell & Developmental Biology Cell and Structural Biology
Entomology Entomology
Evolution Ecology Behavior Ecology, Ethology, & Evolution
Life Sciences Biology
Teaching of Biological Science
Microbiology Microbiology
Molecular & Integrative Physl Bioengineering
Molecular & Integrative Physi
Plant Biology Botany
Plant Biology
School of Integrative Biology Biology
Integrative Biology
School of Molecular & Cell Bio Biophysics & Computnl Biology
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Molecular&Cell Bio-undeclared


Department Major
African American Studies African American Studies
Asian American Studies Asian American Studies
Center for African Studies African Studies
Ctr S. Asian & MidEast Studies S Asian & Middle Eastern St
Gender and Women's Studies Gender and Women's Studies
Latin American & Carib Studies Latin American Studies
Latina/Latino Studies Program Latina/Latino Studies

Humanities & Arts

Department Major
Communication Communication
Speech Communication
English Creative Writing
History History
LAS Administration History of Art
Philosophy Computer Science & Philosophy
Religion Religion
Religious Studies
Russian,E European,Eurasn Ctr Russian & E European Studies
Russian, E Eur, Eurasian St


Department Major
Classics Classical Philology
Teaching of Latin
Comparative & World Literature Comparative & World Literature
Comparative Literature
E. Asian Languages & Cultures Asian Studies
E Asian Languages & Cultures
English as an Intl Language Teaching of English Sec Lang
French and Italian French
Italian (Fall 2014 or later)
Teaching of French
Germanic Languages & Lit German
Germanic Lang & Lit
Germanic Studies
Teaching of German
Linguistics Computer Sci & Linguistics
Linguistics and Teaching ESL
Slavic Languages & Literature Russian Lang & Literature
Slavic Languages & Literature
Slavic Studies
Spanish and Portuguese Italian (through Spring 2014)
Teaching of Spanish

Physical & Quantitative Sciences

Department Major
Astronomy Astronomy
Astronomy + Data Science
Computer Sci & Astronomy
Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Sciences
Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Chemical Engineering
Chemistry Chemical Physics
Computer Sci & Chemistry
Teaching of Chemistry
Geography Computer Science & Geog & GIS
Geography & Geographic Info Sc
Geology Geology
LAS Administration Physics
Mathematics Actuarial Science
Applied Mathematics
Math & Computer Science
Teaching of Mathematics
Sch Earth, Soc, Environ Admin Earth Systems, Env, & Society
Earth, Soc, Env Sustainability
Earth, Society, & Environment
Statistics Statistics
Statistics & Computer Science

Social & Behavioral Sciences

Department Major
Anthropology Anthropology
Computer Sci & Anthropology
Economics Computer Sci & Economics
Econometrics & Quant Econ
Global Studies Prog & Courses Global Studies
LAS Administration Economics
Global Studies
International Studies
Political Science Political Science
Psychology Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Sociology Sociology


Department Major
LAS Administration General Curriculum
LAS - Undeclared


Department Major
LAS Administration Individual Plans of Study

Keywordscluster major program   Doc ID61259
OwnerKurt T.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2016-02-27 19:13:43Updated2024-06-03 15:45:40
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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