ATLAS TimeCard– Administrator Options

Detailed below are the instructions on how to do various features as an administrator in the ATLAS TimeCard app. These instructions are for users with administrator access to the app. If you have been granted administrator access and it seems like options are missing or that the app isn’t working, it may be a technical issue. Email ATLAS at for additional support if the guidelines below don’t answer your question(s).

First: Navigate to the ATLAS App at:

Click Continue, and then login to TimeCard using your AD Login/Password



The system administrators are presented with an initial menu from which they can enter other administrative areas.


View TimeCard Entries

The View TimeCard Entries page shows the TimeCard entries for all employees within the system

  • Filter employees through different criteria by using the left sidebar.

Filter through employees by using the options on the left, edit them using the options on the right

Approve TimeCard Entries

It is critical for TimeCard entries to be approved so the information can be forwarded to payroll.

Locate the NetID of the approved employee.

Find the corresponding checkbox on the far right-hand column. Select the checkbox (there should now be a checkmark in the box).

Click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

Click the Main Menu button to return to the main TimeCard page.


TimeCard Report

View a summary of all employees' TimeCard entries for a given pay period.

A summary of the TimeCard report options

Other options include the ability to...

  • View multiple pay periods along with specific groups.
  • Export reports to Microsoft Excel.
  • Send notification e-mails to managers who have employees with unapproved TimeCard entries.

Click the Main Menu button to return to the main TimeCard page

User Management

The User Management page allows the ability to set the Active status of employees, move employees between any groups within the system, and change payroll types.

A summation of the User Management page

To edit a user’s status, locate their NetID by sorting through the different pages of users. You can widen your search by changing to number of results per page. To do this, locate the Page number in the lower left corner of the page. It should say something like – Page 1 of 39 | Page Size:

To the right of this text there should be a dropdown box. Click it, and then change the number of results per page. This should speed up your search. You can then change pages by clicking Next > or Last >>. You can also select the dropdown box located next to Page: and jump to a certain page.

After you have located the user you wish to change, click the Edit box located on the right most portion of the table.

You can now alter their ‘Payroll Type’ by clicking the drop-down box under that heading and selecting either Bi-Weekly or Monthly.

You can also alter their ‘Assigned Group’ by clicking the drop-down box under that heading and selecting the desired group.

After your changes have been finalized, click the Save button.

In addition, new users can be added through this interface in the form shown below.

 Add a new user by typing their information into the input box and then click the 'Add' button

Click the Main Menu button to return to the main TimeCard page.

Group Management

View, edit, and add groups in which employees will be added to.

You can manage the groups using the options located in the right most columns of the table

  • Set the Active status of the groups or remove the groups from the system entirely.

To do either of these options, first locate the group you seek to edit. After locating it, click the Edit button located on the right half of the table.

You can now alter the group name or change the active status. To change the name, highlight the name located in the text box, delete it and type your desired name.

To change the active status, check or uncheck the box marked under the Active column.

Once you’re satisfied with your changes, click the Save button.

If you wish to delete the group, click the Delete button in the right most column of the table.

If the group is selected for deletion, the system will check whether it has any dependencies. If it has dependencies, administrators will be able to re-assign those dependencies to another active group.

  • Add or remove managers from each group.
  • Set certain View/Edit/Approve permissions for each manager assigned to a specific group.

To do either of these options, first locate the group you seek to edit. After locating it, click the Group Managers button to the left of it. A list of the group managers will appear.

Next, locate the manager you want to edit. Click the Edit button, and then check or uncheck the permissions you want to give them. Click Save once you are satisfied with your changes.

Alternatively, you can click the Delete button to remove them from the group altogether.

 You can make edits to Group Managers by locating their 'NetID' and then clicking the 'Edit' or 'Delete' button

Click the Main Menu button to return to the main TimeCard page.


Email Management

Use the E-Mail Management interface to modify the format of e-mails sent to managers who have employees with unapproved TimeCards.

An example email to be sent out to employees with unapproved TimeCards

Fill in a From address (

Give the e-mail a descriptive Subject.

Type the main message of e-mail in the E-mail Body.

Click Update when finished or Cancel to cancel.

Click the Main Menu button to return to the main TimeCard page.


KeywordsATLAS TimeCard administrator view entries reports report group managers edit users email   Doc ID62201
OwnerBeckett A.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2016-03-24 15:18:08Updated2024-09-12 09:02:07
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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