FormBuilder - What is FormBuilder?

A brief overview of the FormBuilder application and how it can impact your work flow.

FormBuilder is an application that creates customizable, job-specific forms for unit needs. FormBuilder administrators, with help from ATLAS Applications, have the capacity to maintain, edit, and redistribute their own forms. Utilizing a host of possible features, FormBuilder administrators can modify and update forms depending on the specifics of a project. Instead of units having to make their process fit the tool, FormBuilder allows units to create a tool that fits their process.

Does your unit have paper/non-web forms for events/projects such as the following?

  • Conference registration
  • Purchase requests
  • Applications

If so, the following FormBuilder features might help streamline your workflow/business process!

Please consider how FormBuilder can help your unit with the following features:

  • An attractive and intuitive interface for old paper or web forms
  • The ability to accept payments directly into iPay (checks will require some manual attention)
  • Session authentication for users
  • Session management for administrators to adjust total number of applicants or make other changes
  • Team registrationsa team can register as a single unit instead of 30 members
  • Multiple areas of administration and permissions for unit members with differing privileges
For instructional documentation on FormBuilder - check out the FormBuilder - Homepage. 

Keywordsformbuilder, home page, landing page   Doc ID62639
OwnerTodd R.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2016-04-11 11:01:44Updated2017-06-29 16:50:45
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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