Kaltura, Publishing media to a public gallery

How to publish media to a public gallery

How to publish media to a public gallery

Public galleries in Media Space (https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/) contain videos that can be viewed without logging in. Galleries can only be created by Kaltura system administrators at Illinois and the ability to publish to them is often limited. Galleries are most often associated with campus units or colleges, and media submitted to them is usually moderated. Galleries are also called Categories in Media Space. 
Students cannot directly publish to Galleries. If you are a student and need to share content in a public gallery, contact Technology Services or the admin of the gallery directly. You will need to make that person a co-publisher.

To publish media to a public gallery, you must be logged in to mediaspace.illinois.edu.

To publish from your  'My Media' page:
  • From the 'My Media' tab, select one or more items you would like to publish by clicking its corresponding checkbox.
  • {Please note: media must contain a description prior to being published and/or added to a playlist}
  • Under the 'Actions' drop-down menu, and select '+ Publish'.
  • Select the 'Publish in Categories' tab.
  • Select one or more categories/galleries that you would like to publish to. Please note the icons that denote the gallery restrictions. 
  • Click the 'Save' button
You can also go directly to the gallery and use the link to "Add media to Gallery."
Note that if the channel is moderated, you will not see your media until a moderator or manager has approved it.
Note: You should consider issues of privacy (including FERPA) when you make videos public. 

publishing, gallery, my media, 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services