Illinois Framework - Website Tutorials
A collection of training material to walk you through using an Illinois Drupal Framework powered website.
The Illinois Drupal Framework (ILFW) is a product of the WIGG Drupal working group. The goal of the ILFW is to let content creators across the university rapidly create and deploy an accessible Illinois branded Drupal website that includes a common set of features.
Requesting Access
To request access to an LAS website running the ILFW, please send an email to with your unit's communication coordinator or unit head copied. Include the name and NetID of the person who needs access. If they need access to edit directory information, please add that in the request.
Upcoming Training Sessions
- LAS Web training calendar - Check our training calendar for upcoming sessions on using the Illinois Drupal Framework, best practices, accessibility, and more.
Illinois Drupal Framework Tutorials
Choose one of the training pages below to get step-by-step instructions for editing your content.
Video Tutorials
- Changes and updates to the Illinois Framework (video recording) - This is a brief overview of the changes you will see in the ILFW vs. the LAS Framework.
- ILFW Basic Training (video recording) - This video is about 1 hour and covers the basics of the framework structure including examples for adding and editing several types of content. [Recorded 2/6/2024]
Recorded Breakout Sessions
- Adding a Webtools calendar - This is a brief tutorial on how to add and configure a Webtools calendar. [Recorded 3/21/2024]
- Uploading Documents and CVs - This is a brief video demonstrating how to upload a document, update an existing document, and upload a CV to your directory page. [Recorded 4/25/2024]
Step-by-step tutorials
- Getting Started - A collection of tutorials on using the ILFW, includes instructions for logging in and adding content.
- Editing directory profile information
- Adding and removing people from your site's directory
- Adding or editing a CV
Additional documentation and examples
- Paragraphs - provides examples of each paragraph type
- Icons - a list of icons available for use in the ILFW
- Live websites - a list of websites currently running on the ILFW
- Creating a Webtools Skin - how to create a new Webtools skin for calendars and applications