LAS Framework - News Stories
Adding and Editing news stories for LAS Drupal sites
News stories are posted to the front page of the website. They are a great way to highlight the activity in your unit. Older articles will automatically go into the archive as you add new ones. 
Adding a News Story
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to add News Stories
- Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option
- Click the blue + Add Content button just below the content heading
- Click News on the list of available Content Types.
- Complete the following fields
- Title - The main title of the article. This will show at the top of the page and whenever the story is shown in a list.
- Secondary Title – This is not required, but will add some details to the top of the article
- Body – The main area of the article
- The Edit summary link can be clicked to bring up an additional field. The text used in this field will display when a preview snippet of the News item is used; for example, on the homepage listing.
- Department Tags (optional) – Select a category related to the news story from the list of available options.
- Custom Tags (optional) – Type in a new category related to the news story. If this tag has already been created, it will show up in the autocomplete field and you can select it.
- Image – An image that will be displayed next to the body on the News item. This image will also be used in the front page listing if the Highlighted News box is checked.
- Alternative Text - A short phrase or sentence describing the image.
- Date – This field will determine how the news items sort on the homepage and news listing pages. The most recent items will be at the top.
- Highlighted News – Check this box if you want the news story to be featured near the top of your homepage and display the uploaded image next to the preview snippet.
- Related People – Enter the NetID(s) of the department members featured in the News story. A link to their profile page and image (if available) will be included at the bottom of the news story.
- Click the Save button
Editing an Existing News Story
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to edit Featured Images
- Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option.
- Set the Content Type filter to be News and click the Filter button. This will limit the options to only News items.
- Select the News item you want to edit and click the Edit button in the far right column.
- Make changes to any fields you need to update and click the Save button.
- To remove the entry entirely, scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Delete button.
Example News Story