Learn@Illinois Moodle - Extending Deadlines or Time Limits for Activities

Learn how to extend deadlines or time limits for activities. Adding student overrides can be useful for instructors who need to provide individual students with different permissions within a Quiz, Lesson or Assignment activity. For example, some students may require extra time, additional attempts, or a different due date.

For a permanent link to this information, please use: http://go.illinois.edu/MoodleStudentOverride

Note: Overrides are only available for the Quiz, Lesson, and Assignment activities.

Examples of Using Overrides

  • User Override: An individual student needs more time to complete a quiz, lesson, or assignment for extenuating circumstances or DRES accommodations.
  • Group Override: A particular group of students in a course or section of a course needs more time to complete a quiz, lesson, or assignment.

Best Practices

  • Sometimes groups can show up in student menus in places that are unknown or unintended by the teacher. Therefore, if you create a group for multiple students who need the same DRES time accommodations, be sure to name the group such that other students in the course would not be able to identify the reason for the group. Otherwise, use individual user overrides.

Adding User Overrides

  1. Select the quiz, lesson, or assignment that needs to be changed.
    A picture of the Quiz activity
  2. Select the More option from the navigation menu.
    A picture of the navigation menu with a red box around the More option
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Overrides.
    A picture of the More dropdown menu with a red box around the Overrides option
  4. Click Add user override.
    A picture of the Add user override button with a red box around it.
  5. In the "Override user" search menu, begin typing in the student's name or email address and click on their name when it appears below.
    A picture of the override user search menu with an example user searched
  6. Set the new open and close date, time limit, attempts allowed, and/or required password accordingly.
    Note: Check the "Enable" checkboxes for the fields that you would like to override.
    Note: Options will vary between activity types.
    A picture of the User overrides page with the options for it to require a password, open and close date, time limit , and attempts allowed.
  7. Click Save.
    A picture of the Save Button

A picture of the Finished user override on the quiz page

Adding Group Overrides

  1. Click on the quiz, lesson, or assignment that needs to be changed.
    A picture of the quiz activity
  2. Select the More option from the navigation menu.
    A picture of the navigation menu with a red box around the more option
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Overrides.
    A picture of the more drop down menu with a red box around the overrides option
  4. On the left side of the screen, click the "User Overrides" drop-down menu.
    A picture of the Uer overrides menu with a red box around the User overrides drop down menu
  5. From the drop-down menu, select Group overrides.                                                                                                                                                                        A picture of the overrides drop down menu with a red box around the Group overrides option
  6. Click on Add group override.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A picture of the Add group overrides button
  7. In the "Override group" drop-down menu, select a group. If you need to create a group first, see Adding Users to Groups.
    A picture of the Select group for group overrides with a sample group selected
  8. Set the overridden open and close date, time limit, attempts allowed, and/or required password accordingly.
    Note: Check the "Enable" checkboxes for the fields that you would like to override.
    Note: Options will vary between activity types                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Note : Group overrides are transferred when a course is copied 

A picture of the Group overrides page with the options for it to require a password, open and close date, time limit , and attempts allowed.

      9.Click Save
         A picture of the save button

A picture of the finished group override on the quiz page

Note: Group overrides are transferred when a course is copied

Related Topics

Moodle.org Documentation

student override, more, attempt, attempts, time, change due date, accommodation, DRES, quiz, lesson, assignment, user override, group override, boost 
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