Learn@Illinois Moodle - Surveying your Students

Learn how to survey your students. There are several activities which are available to gather feedback from students and they are described here.

For a permanent link to this information, please use: http://go.illinois.edu/MoodleSurveyStudents

Learn@Illinois allows the instructor to gather information from their students through a few different activities, but picking the right one can be difficult, so you can use this guide to choose the activity that best suits your needs. 

Surveying Activities

  • Survey - This activity is meant to gather information about how the course is run, so it has surveys assessing a course already loaded into the activity. Therefore, this will not be useful if you intend to create your own survey to administer to your students.
  • Quiz - This activity is useful to gather data in an easy-to-view manner, but to set it up every question has to have a grade value attached to it, which may cause students some anxiety.
  • Feedback - This is useful for quick surveying of students and it is anonymous, so if you want the students to feel more comfortable while filling out a certain survey, Feedback would protect the identity of everybody who would respond to it. Additionally, the activity does the analysis for you and displays it on the fourth module.
  • QuestionnaireThis activity, like Feedback, can be anonymous, and it gives back the results to the students so they can have access to their answers.

Related Topics

Moodle.org Documentation

survey, surveys, quiz, quizzes, questionnaire, questionnaires, feedback, response, tool 
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