Kaltura, Known Issues

known issues with Kaltura
The following are known issues with Kaltura and related tools. Possible work around solutions are included when one is available.

Trouble Uploading

Some users sporadically encounter dropped uploads.  Often with the error, "Oops! Uploaded bytes exceed file size."  Please note well that there is no file size limit!  This trouble sporadically affects some users, and could be related to a slow connection, network trouble, or sporadic server issues.  Users who encounter the error should clear their cache, restart their browsers, and try again, immediately or when convenient.  

Access denied, API, or 500 errors

Some users are seeing these errors which are caused by transitory server trouble.  Users who encounter the error should clear their cache, restart their browsers, and try again, immediately or when convenient.  (Where the error persists, users should also double-check that they do have access to the video where this seems to apply, such as students in a class.)

Kaltura, File freezes or stops playing after a short time

We have recently had reports of videos freezing up, or that stop playing, or the media player color wheel spins. . If the video ALWAYS stops at the same point, this is not a buffering issue, this is a problem that must be escalated to the Kaltura administrators. This is an intermittent problem that we cannot predict or reproduce and we are working with Kaltura to resolve the matter. 
The issue is most visible to instructors who may have a few videos fail to play while the others play as expected. The Technology Services Kaltura team can resolve the issue. The team will need the netid of the student at a minimum. It is also useful to have the name of the course, and the url of the channel with the media files. The url of the media files themselves are useful, but not necessary if we have the netids and the url of the channel.
If this occurs in your course, submit a ticket and ask to have it sent to the Kaltura administrators. 

Kaltura in Illinois eText, Lon-Capa - Redirects

In late March 2018 we began seeing an issue with some embed codes in Lon-Capa, and eText. 

What the user experiences is this: 
  • log in to application (Illinois eText, Lon-Capa) without already being logged into MediaSpace
  • go to a page with an embedded video
  • user is directed from the application to MediaSpace (https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/), not asked to log in again, but left at the front MediaSpace page. 

If a video was added with an embed code from MediaSpace, this is occurring. It only happens the first time you access one of these embeds during a session. It shouldn't be happening and we are working with Kaltura to address the root cause. 

Work arounds:
  1. Hit back in the browser and then navigate to the page you were on. 
  2. Log into MediaSpace first, and then log into the application (Illinois eText, Lon-Capa)

Kaltura Player

  • In iOS, there are problems with videos displayed at full screen (in Safari and Chrome). In portrait mode the video is pushed to the bottom of the screen but the entire video is displayed. In landscape mode almost half of the video is cut off. This is seen on iPhones and iPads. We recommend viewing fullscreen in portrait mode, or viewing the video in the browser without selecting full screen. The issue has been reported to the vendor. (2017-08-30)
  • As of December 2017 there is a bug in the horizontal playlist player. If some of the content is password protected, and other content is not, the player controls are cut off. Once the viewer logs in and has access to view the media, the controls appear as normal. (2017-12-08)
Controls cut off  Playlist player controls cut off
Controls visible   Playlist player controls visible


  • Other Universities submitted reports of the online video editor not launching or working for users with an apostrophe in their name (e.g. O'Brien, A'mare).  The apostrophe would be in a first or last name, not the netid. As of 2018-04-10 this is no longer an issue. This note remains in case someone saw the known issue report before. (updated 2018-04-10)

Personal Capture (2018-08-22)

  • System audio can be recorded on Windows, but not on a Mac.
  • Fixed 2018-10-24 - No local preview at this time, videos must be uploaded to Kaltura.  Local preview is now available.
  • Fixed 2018-10-24 - On screen annotations are not yet part of the application, this will be addressed by the vendor in a future update. On screen annotations are now possible in Personal Capture, but functionality is limited as of 2018-10-24. The annotator is best used for arrows to call out items or basic shapes. There are better on screen drawing tools and whiteboards at this time. 
  • Editing must be done online using Kaltura's editor.



  • When adding a netid to a MediaSpace channel, the error "User NETID does not exist" appears. This message appears because the netid you are adding to the channel has never logged in to MediaSpace, and the system does not recognize the user name. It could also mean that the netid was entered incorrectly. 
    • If you see this, please contact the user you are trying to add and ask them to login. You can ask then add their netid
    • If there are multiple netids, you need to add, specifically a roster, instructors can ask to have a complete roster of students to a channel.   
API Error
  • Occasionally a user will experience an API error message when using the interface. If you see this message, try the command/action again and it should work. If the error persists, please send a screen shot or copy of the error message as a ticket to the helpdesk. Include what you were doing just prior to seeing the error.
KMS Go Mobile App
  • 2018-10-24 The KMS Go Mobile App does not support dual video window screen switching on Android at this time. This can make it difficult to view screen recordings with dual sources or some lecture capture sources. It is on the roadmap to be addressed by mid 2019.

known issues with Kaltura 
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Owned by:
Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services