ATLAS FormBuilder - Adding a New Form
For a video tutorial on how to add a new form, check out:
Step 1- Navigate to your Form Group Home and click Forms.

Step 3 - Fill out the fields in the window that opens to provide information about your new form.
- Form Name - The name your form will be known by.
- Form Owner - The person that will be responsible for overseeing the new form. Make sure to specify which organization they are associated with.
- Contact Email Address - The email address that will be used for any support-related issues or requests associated with the form
If your form involves registration for an event, whether it has one or multiple distinct "sessions," select Yes under the question titled Is this an event registration form?
Otherwise, select No.

If your form is an event registration form, you will be asked to choose a "registration mode." This is an important choice that is locked in upon form creation, meaning it cannot be changed without making an entirely new form.
There are two types of registration mode, Standard Mode and Advanced Mode. Each option has a different way of handling how form responders are registered for event sessions. To understand the differences between these modes, check out Registration Modes Explained.
If you are unsure of which registration mode you should choose, it is recommended to select Standard Mode.
No matter which type of form you've chosen, once you've filled out all the fields, select Save at the bottom of the window, and you'll be redirected to your new form's dashboard.
You are now ready to edit your new form!
For more instructional documentation on ATLAS FormBuilder, check out the FormBuilder - Homepage.