LAS Framework - Adding Video Content
Embedding video content into your LAS Drupal pages
Adding videos to your pages can greatly enhance your user engagement with the pages and appeals to a wide range of audiences. There are many places to host your video that will handle the streaming of the video better than directly in Drupal. 
Supported hosting providers
- Media Space - A free video hosting service provided by the Urbana campus IT. When adding videos to Media Space, do not publish to a channel as it restricts access to the video. Instead follow these instructions to create a Category which will make your video available to the public.
- YouTube
- Vimeo
Adding video to your Drupal page
You can add video to any field where you see the formatting toolbar and the video embed icon (circled in red below)
To add a video:
- Browse your hosting service until you are on the public page for the video (ex. MediaSpace, YouTube)
- Copy the full URL shown in the addressbar
- Go to the edit screen in Drupal for the page you want to change.
- Position your cursor where you want the video to appear. If you will have text above and below your video, it works best to enter at least some of the text both above and below the video before inserting and then position your cursor.
- Click the Video Embed icon. You will see a screen like this:
- Paste the URL from step two into the Video URL field
- For most cases you can leave Autoplay unchecked and Responsive Video checked
- Autoplay will start the video as soon as your page loads, which is generally considered bad practice
- Responsive video will help the video fit into your page and maintain the correct aspect ratio.
- Click Save
- You will see a preview of what the video will look like in the editor.
- Continue editing the page until you are ready to save.
- Click the Save or Preview buttons to continue.
- You can always return to the page to remove, replace, or update the video.