Learn@Illinois Moodle - Adding Extra Credit

Learn how to add extra credit to your course. Do this by adding a manual grade item worth one or several percentage points of the final grade.
For a permanent link to this information, please use: http://go.illinois.edu/MoodleExtraCredit
  1. From your course homepage, click on Grades.
    Course Settings Participants Grades Reports

  2. Click on Grader report to expand the drop-down menu and select Gradebook setup.
    Gradebook setup in dropdown menu of Grader report
  3. See Make the Course Level Aggregation Type "Natural Sum of Grades" to make sure that your Gradebook setup page is set to "Natural Sum of Grades" at the course level. 
    Note: This is the default, but it is a good idea to double check.
  4. Click Add grade item.
    Add grade item button
  5. Under "Grade item", enter the "Item name" and "Maximum grade".
    Note: For a gradebook using percentages, entering a 1 for the "Maximum grade" will add 1 percentage point to the student's final grade point average. For a gradebook using 1000 total points, entering a 10 for the "Maximum grade" will add 1 percentage point to the student's final grade point average.
    Grade item section of gradebook with Item name and Maximum grade highlighted with a red box
  6. At the bottom of the page, click the blue Save changes button.
    Save changes button
  7. Next to your new grade item, click "Edit" and select Edit settings.
    Extra credit grade item with Edit settings selected
  8. Under "Parent category", click on the Extra credit checkbox.
    Extra credit field highlighted in red
  9. Click Save changes.
    Save changes button
  10. Check that the grade item to confirm that there is a small "+" to the right of the points value. This verifies that the grade item is now extra credit.
    Extra credit grade item with red box around the + next to the 1.00
  11. At this point, look over the gradebook and verify that the point totals have not changed by adding extra credit.
    • If you have set up your gradebook using percentages, make sure that the weight and the total for each category are the same and reflect the desired percentage in the course.
    • If you have set up your gradebook using points, make sure that the "Course total" is the desired amount (usually 1,000).

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Keywordsgradebook, grades, grade, ec, e.c., points, grade item, boost   Doc ID77761
OwnerATLAS-TLTGroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2017-10-31 10:24:25Updated2023-03-27 13:13:19
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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