ACES Conference Rooms - Checking Wireless Connection

Very occasionally, the wireless connection on ACES conference room systems does not reconnect automatically on startup. When that happens, follow the quick steps below to reconnect.
1. If the wireless is not connected, the wifi icon will look greyed out with an asterisk

Image of Win10 wifi icon disconnected

2. Click the wireless icon and choose IllinoisNet

3. Check the "Connect automatically"  box and then click "Connect"

Image of IllinoisNet SSID in wireless network list with arrows pointing to the checkbox for automatic and the Connect button

4. Once connected, you'll see Skype for Business log in and the wifi icon will be white with no asterisk

Image of Win10 wifi icon connected

Image of IllinoisNet showing a connection and Skype for Business logged in

wireless, wifi, sims, heritage, conference, Skype, connection, disconnected, network, internet, "can't connect", illinoisnet,  
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Owned by:
James K. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES