ATLAS FormBuilder - How to Add and Edit a Payment Line Item
This document explains the different kinds of payment line items and how to add and edit them in a form.
For a video tutorial, check out:
NOTE: Before you can Add/Edit a payment line you must enable payment on your form - see ATLAS FormBuilder - How to Accept/Enable Payment
1.) Navigate to your form dashboard and select 'Edit Form Contents' from the Quick Links tabs.
2.) Under the Global Settings heading, you will see a few different options. Select 'Payment Information'.

3.) The chart is empty, unless you have previously added Payment Line Items, in which case you will see them listed sequentially in the chart.
- To add a new Payment Line Item, select 'Add New Payment Line Item'.
- To edit an existing Payment Line Item, click the settings gear and choose 'Edit Payment Line Item'.

4.) This will bring up a sidebar where you can enter the name of the item that you are assigning a price to. After you name the item, you must select a Payment Line Item Type. There are three separate options.
- Flat fee: This option sets a flat rate cost associated with submitting a form. This price will be included in the total cost when a form is submitted no matter what is selected on the form.
- The value of a question in dollars: This option allows the form editor to add multiple prices to the form.
For example, this would come in handy with a pizza order because different toppings cost different prices. Once you select what your source question will be (the question that prompts the price to be included in the total), you will be given a list of the responses that can be selected. You can then enter a price for each of the options.
- The value of a question multiplied by a base rate: This option is useful when you want to allow for options for multiples of the same thing (e.g. t-shirt orders). In the list, you should assign the value of "one" to the base rate, "two" to twice the base rate, "three" to three times the base rate, and so on.
NOTE: For each of these payment line items, you must indicate your Destination CFOAPAL. This will be either the default account number that is already listed for your form, or you can enter an alternate number for each item.
5.) Once you are finished, select 'Save' and your payment line item should be recorded in your form immediately.