ATLAS FormBuilder - Managing Period-Wide Registration Settings (Waitlisting, Max Registrant Limit)
Period-wide registration settings are only available in event registration forms. For help with creating a new event registration form, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Adding a New Form. For instructions on converting an existing form into an event registration form, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Converting Between Standard & Event Registration Forms.
To access your event registration form's period-specific capacity options, first navigate to your form's dashboard and click Periods under the "Data Collection and Form Lifecycle" section.
Once in the "Periods" menu, click the Edit button next to the period whose capacity settings you wish to modify.
Now within your selected period's "Edit" menu, you will notice multiple tabs, of which the "Properties" tab has been selected by default.
NOTE: Before moving on, make sure that the "User can create multiple forms in a single period" setting aligns with your preferences for the selected period. Enabling the setting for an event registration form means that a single user will be able to take up multiple registration "slots" within the selected period if they fill out multiple responses.
Next, select the tab titled Registration Details.

The "Registration Details" tab is where all of the capacity and waitlisting settings for the period can be found. The available settings are as follows:
Enable Waitlist - When this option is checked, and the maximum number of registrants allowed by the period have registered, users will still be allowed to fill out new form responses, though a message informing the user of the lack of available registration slots will be displayed first. If the user continues filling out their response after this, and attempts to register, they will be presented with the choice to either add themselves to the waitlist, or cancel their registration.
When this option is left unchecked, and the period's maximum registration limit has been reached, the option to start a new response will simply not be provided to users.
This option does nothing if no maximum registration limit has been enabled.
If the waitlist is managed automatically, waitlist entries are handled in the LIFO (last in, first out) method, meaning that the oldest waitlist entry will be the first to be taken off the waitlist. For information on choosing automatic vs. manual waitlist management, see [When a registration slot opens...]. For information on managing the waitlist once it is enabled, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Managing a Waitlist from the Administrator Console.
Maximum Registrants - Entering an integer into the provided text box of this option will set the entered number as the registration limit for the period. If the form's number of registrations for the period with this setting reaches the specified limit, users will no longer be able to fill out new responses (unless the waitlist is enabled).
Leaving the field blank will disable the registration limit.
Text to be shown to the user when a registration is submitted and an event is over capacity - As the name implies, this field provides a text box with Markdown formatting options, whose entry determines the text that is displayed to users underneath the "No Registration Slots Available" message, which is displayed at the following points:
If a response-in-progress is submitted after the registration limit is reached.
Before and after a response is filled out if the registration limit is reached AND the waitlist is enabled.
When a registration slot opens, what should happen to waitlisted registrations - Determines what action the form takes in regard to the oldest entry on the waitlist when a registration slot becomes available. This setting has no effect if the waitlist is disabled.The available options for this setting are:
Automatically register the next person on the waitlist - Registers the next response the waitlist's queue as soon as a slot becomes available. Selecting this option provides an additional option to enable an email notification for the automatic registration, which brings up a customizable email composer when checked.
- Automatically notify the next person that they are eligible to register - Sends an email notification to the submitter of the next response in the waitlist's queue as soon as a slot becomes available, and holds that slot open for a predetermined amount of time.
If the responder does not claim the available slot through the link provided in the email before the offer reaches its deadline, the offer will be sent to the next person on the waitlist, and responder who missed the deadline will have the choice of adding themselves to the waitlist again or cancelling their registration.
Selecting this option provides an additional option for setting the amount of days, hours, or minutes that the offer remains open, along with an email composer for modifying the notification email that gets sent out. - Do nothing - No automatic action occurs when a registration slot opens. The waitlist must be managed manually by administrators. For information on how to do this, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Managing a Waitlist from the Administrator Console.
After making changes to your period's registration settings, click the green Save button at the bottom of the page, and your changes will be applied!
For more tutorials on ATLAS FormBuilder, visit FormBuilder - Homepage.