Learn@Illinois Moodle - Gradebook Help
This page offers best practices and answers frequently asked questions regarding the gradebook and grades.
For a permanent link to this information, please use: http://go.illinois.edu/MoodleGradebookHelp
How do I...?
Setup the Gradebook
- Set up the gradebook using percentages (Recommended)
- Set up the gradebook using points
- Add extra credit
- Drop the lowest score
- Add a manual gradebook item for something outside of Moodle
- Change the number of points an activity is worth (edit "Maximum grades")
- Make sure the gradebook is ready for entering final scores
- Create a folder to organize your gradebook (add a gradebook category)
- Move an activity into a gradebook folder ("category")
- Move ungraded activities into an ungraded folder (use an ungraded category to clean up the gradebook)
- Edit Pearson MyLab activities (Pearson help)
View Grades
- Tell students where to view grades This page is also accessible to your students.
- Viewing the gradebook and course as a student
- Use the new and improved Grader report
- Grade a discussion forum or glossary (UI Activity Grader in Assignment)
- Change the Correct Answer to a Quiz Question
- Use rubrics and grading guides
Import and Export
- Export final grades for Banner upload
- Import grades using a spreadsheet
- Use UI Smart Import to learn how to help catch errors in large files and quickly fix them to upload grades.
Customize for Individual Students
- Extend deadlines or time limits for activities
- Exclude a grade for a specific student
- Deduct points from a student's final grade
Related Links
Moodle.org Documentation
- Grade settings
- Grade import
- Grade export
- Grade aggregation (Mean of grades vs. Weighted mean vs. Simple weighted mean)
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