LAS Framework - Giving Pages
How to add and edit a giving page in the LAS Framework
A giving page is where people can donate money to support the department or the university. It consists of two parts:
(1) Giving Fund (Giving fund(s) are listed on a Fund Listing Page).
(2) Fund Listing Page (Fund Listing Page lists the Giving Fund(s), along with additional giving information)
Adding a giving page
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to add a Giving Fund page.
(1)Create a Giving Fund:
1.Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option.
2.Click the blue Add Content button just below the content heading.
3.Click Giving Fund on the list of available Content Types.
4.Complete the following fields:
a.Title – The title of the fund.

b.Body – A description of the fund.

c.Fund ID –For new funds: contact University of Illinois Foundation (UIF) at to acquire Fund ID for a new fund; For existing funds: directly enter the digits of Fund ID.

d.Gift Amounts – The gift amount options that will be listed in top-to-bottom order automatically. You can also click on the blue Show Row Weights on the right to change the order of each option. Click Add another item button to provide more options.

(after clicking on Show Row Weights - the more positive the number under the Order column is, the closer to the right the option will be shown)

e.Click the Save button.
5.You can repeat 1-4 to create more giving funds.
(2)Create a Fund Listing Page:
1.Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option.
2.Click the blue Add Content button just below the content heading.
3.Click Fund Listing Page on the list of available content types.
4.Complete the following fields:
a.Title – The title of the giving page.

b.Department Name – The name of the department receiving the donation.

c.Test Mode? – Check the box if the page is created the first time and needs evaluation by UIF ( If checked, the page cannot be placed in the site’s menu. Also, remember to make sure it is not checked when released to public.

d.Tracking Code – Obtained from UIF ( to monitor the origin of donations. Every fund listing page needs a unique tracking code.

e.Header – The text will appear below the Title of this page.
f.Funds – Enter the title of Giving Fund(s) you created in the first step. The Giving Fund(s) are displayed in the Fund Listing Page in top-to-bottom order.

g.Footer – The text will appear below Funds (i.e. below all the Giving Funds).
h.Click the Save button.
Here is a Screenshot of the giving page to give you an idea of what it will look like after putting everything together.

Editing an Existing Giving Page
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to edit Giving Page
(1)Edit Giving Fund:
1.Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option.
2.Set the Content type filter below the blue Add content button to Giving Fund and click the Filter button. This will limit the options to Giving Funds you built earlier.

3.Select the Giving Fund you want to edit and click the Edit button in the far right column.
4.Make changes to any other fields you need to update.
5.Click the Save button.
(2)Edit Fund Listing Page:
1.Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option.
2.Set the Content type filter below the blue Add content button to Fund Listing Page and click the Filter button. This will limit the options to only Fund Listing Page you built.

3.Select the Fund Listing Page you want to edit and click the Edit button in the far right column.

4.Make changes to any other fields you need to update.
5.Click the Save button.
Still have questions?
If you still have questions, please send email to and be sure to tell us the URL for the site and/or page you are having trouble with.