ACES Email Lists - Advanced - View Inactive Lists

This is how to determine email lists that have not received messages.

This is an advanced Sympa topic and only Sympa administrators can view these pages.

  1. Log into the ACES Email List System
  2. Choose the "Sympa admin" tab
  3. Choose the "Lists sorted by last message date" link
All lists are shown, sorted by the column, "Most recent message."
When evaluating lists that have no recent messages, remember that some lists, such as those ending in "-listowners," are administrative only and are not intended to receive messages regularly.
The table has the following columns:
Creation date, Most recent message, Listname, Subject, Number of subscribers, Maximum number of digest messages, Sender scenario, Creator, Owners*, Editors*
*With the update in early 2022, the columns, "Owners" and "Editors," now show directly assigned people and people assigned through datasources.

Sympa legacy inactive 
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Owned by:
James K. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES