Learn@Illinois Moodle - Creating Headings in Quizzes

Learn how to create headings in quizzes, which will help students navigate your lecture slides. These headings will appear in the Navigation block on the right side of the page.
For a permanent link to this information, please use: http://go.illinois.edu/MoodleQuizHeadings
Creating headings in quizzes changes the view in the Quiz Navigation block. See images below:

Without Headings
Quiz Navigation block without headings

With Headings
Quiz Navigation block with headings

Adding Section Headings to Your Quiz

  1. Click on the quiz.
    Week 3 Quiz icon
  2. At the top of the page, click the Questions tab.
    Quiz Questions tab
  3. To add a heading to an existing section, click the Edit heading pencil icon above and enter the heading. Press Enter (or Return) on the keyboard to save your changes.
    Quiz enter new heading
  4. To add headings to new sections, find the page where you would like the heading to start and on the right-hand side of the page, click Add to expand the drop-down menu and select +a new section heading.
    Quiz heading options
  5. Enter the heading, press Enter (or Return) on the keyboard to save your changes.

Related Topics

make, making, create, heading, organize, organizing, divide up, quiz, boost, 
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