EWS Labs, Getting locked out of EWS workstations


This guide summarizes the scenarios in which you may be locked out of EWS workstations.

Password expired

Your AD password requires changing once a year. If it needs changed, you will not be able to log into any EWS workstation.

Visit https://identity.uillinois.edu/ to change your password.

Account compromised

If Technology Services (the central campus IT organization) detects that your account has been compromised, your password will be scrambled.

See this Tech Services knowledgebase article for more information: Security, Password Scramble

Account locked/disabled

If you've entered an incorrect password too many times within a short period while logging into any campus service, then your account will be automatically and temporarily locked. Frequently this is due to a personal device repeatedly attempting to log into your account using a saved password which is incorrect or outdated. These automated lockouts are cleared after 10-15 minutes, but may reoccur until the saved password is cleared or updated.

Examples are your laptop using a saved password to connect to IllinoisNet, or your smartphone's email client using a saved password. Always make sure to update or remove any saved passwords on all of your devices after changing your password.

See this article for instructions on how to clear saved passwords on common devices: Passwords, Credential Manager and Keychain Editing. For other devices, refer to documentation from the manufacturer.

If you're still having trouble with repeated lockouts, you will need to contact Technology Services: https://techservices.illinois.edu/.

Home directory over quota

EWS users are given 25 GB of storage for their files. If this quota is exceeded, it may cause problems logging in.

See our article here for more details about the EWS storage quota and information on how to resolve potential quota issues: EWS Labs, Home Directory Disk Quota.

* This scenario is not applicable to the Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF), as access to home directories is not provided.

Not enrolled in Engineering courses

Only those affiliated with The Grainger College of Engineering are authorized to log into EWS workstations.

See our article here for more details: EWS Labs, Account Policy.

* This scenario is not applicable to the Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF), as access to home directories is not provided.

Additional Help

If you still need help, please contact EWS support at https://go.illinois.edu/ewshelp

ews computer lab locked lock out lockout account disabled expired password compromised quota enrolled 
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