ATLAS Data Services - Data Services for Advising

Data Services for Advising

Data is crucial for supporting student success in higher education environments. As advisors and department administrators, you may have experienced scenarios where University data would be helpful.

ATLAS Data Services has a number of products and services which leverage student data to address some common and not-so-common scenarios. We will present some of these products, and we can begin collaborating with you to address your specific needs.

ATLAS Data Services will introduce you to the following products:

Online Reports
We've created 200+ self-service operational reports in ATLAS Report Delivery, our online report-generation engine. Report Delivery hosts flexible reports for a variety of audiences and uses. Department advisors can run reports such as:
•    For courses: rosters, student profiles, enrollment summaries, open/closed section lists, and registration activity reports.
•    For students: major/minor rosters, ICT reports, pending and awarded degree lists, and Major GPA reports.

Data Analytics Dashboards

We've built a number of dashboards that aid course planning or explore the relationship between student performance and outcome. Highlights include:

o    LAS Course Enrollment, Capacity, and Cancellation Dashboard
Assists with course planning by summarizing which past courses were near capacity, under-enrolled, or even cancelled after a sufficient number of students enrolled.

o    Course Sequence Dashboard
Explores patterns in student performance from one course to another. Student attributes can be included as needed.

o    Course Performance and Student Outcome Dashboard
Explores the impact of student performance in key major courses on student success.

o    LAS Departmental Retention Dashboards
These help identify patterns and trends in Freshman first-year retention, broken down by academic and demographic factors.

o    LAS Students Retention and Final Destinations Dashboard
Summarizes LAS Freshmen who were not retained for a second year, and shows where they landed after leaving UIUC.

o    Illini Success Dashboard
A customized Tableau dashboard based on Illini Success Survey respondents, filtered by department and other critical factors.

Data Feed and Other Support
o    ATLAS FormBuilder Banner Data Feed & Processing
ATLAS FormBuilder is a powerful and flexible online tool, but it has limited integration with Banner data. Our team would be happy to fill the gap of your Banner data needs in your form.

Contact ATLAS Data Services at for any questions or data requests.

Workshop agenda 
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Buddy S. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences