Ophthalmology Vet-Eyes Mailbox Email Access
Vet Med Ophthalmology department's has an intake inbox vet-eyes@mx.uillinois.edu. The service has a redirect rule in place to forward all emails to desired recipients.
To add or remove recipients, simple email IT@Vetmed.illinois.edu and they will add or remove the appropriate individuals from the AD list cvmlists-ophtho.
To modify the the Redirect rule or log into the vet-eyes inbox directly:
- Open a web browser and navigate to Web Mail: http://outlook.office365.com
- For the User name enter: vet-eyes@ad.uillinois.edu and enter the standard Ophthalmology password. (The Ophthalmology veterinary tech should have this password or see Keepass)
- Select Options (upper right corner)
- Search Inbox Rules and select
- Double click to open: Rule: Vet-eyes Email Redirect
- The condition should be Apply to All Messages with action Redirect to 'Vet Med Lists ophtho'. A different list or names could be entered here, but best practice is to manage through AD.
- Select OK
- Select Save
- Select Sign Out (upper right corner)