Ugradrecs: Who should I contact in my department to get access to Ugradrecs?
Please contact the individual assigned to your unit. If your unit/department isn't list, please contact
- ACES: Brianna Gregg ( bjgray2 )
- AHS: Dustin Tarter ( dtarter )
- Dept of General Studies: Shawn Hale (shale02s)
- DIA (Intercollegiate Athletics): Stephon Fuqua ( sfuqua )
- College of Education: Lori Fuller ( harvey1 )
- FAA: Gillian Heine ( gheine )
- Gies (BUS): Cory Ohms ( cohms )
- Grainger (ENGR): Undergraduate Records access requests for the Grainger College of Engineering, please use this form.
- LAS: Gretchen Pein ( pein )
- LQ (Illinois International): Please contact
- LIS/iSchool:
- College of Media : Megan Tucker Zwilling ( megtuck ).
- School of Social Work: Monica Cherry ( cherry1 )
- Office of the Registrar : Meghan Hazen ( mhazen )
- Provost & VC Academic Affairs): Kathryn (Kathy) Martensen ( kmartens ) , Melissa Kisubika ( kisubika )