EWS Labs, General vs. Departmental


Engineering Workstations, or EWS, refers to any lab workstation that is located within the EWS Labs and supported by Engineering IT. Engineering IT maintains two types of labs: General and Departmental.

General Labs

EWS General Labs are labs that are shared between all units and departments in the College of Engineering. When not reserved, these labs are available for open use by any student in Engineering (or enrolled in an Engineering course). 
The EWS General Labs are able to be reserved for courses and events. Courses must have an affiliation or be cross-listed with Engineering; events must be sponsored by an Engineering unit or RSO. Engineering IT maintains the schedules for these labs and accepts reservation requests at http://go.illinois.edu/EWSReserve.
The EWS General Labs are:
  • Digital Computer Lab L416, L426, and L440.
  • Engineering Hall 406B1 and 110A .
  • Grainger Library 4th Floor and 4th Floor East.
  • Mechanical Engineering Lab 1001 and 1009 - Due to Covid-19 MechSE has taken over card access requests for MEL 1001 and 1009. 
    • To request access for MEL 1001 and 1009 please email mechse-fo@illinois.edu - state your reason for access, your UIN, your NetID, and your department affiliation.
Engineering IT manages the physical lab facilities for the General labs; questions and concerns may be sent to https://go.illinois.edu/ewshelp

Departmental Labs

Engineering IT also provides workstations for departmental instructional spaces. These are referred to as "Departmental Labs" and are designed to support the specific requirements of the department. For example, an EWS departmental lab may be a general-purpose computer lab to support a particular class, a single computer attached to an instrument to gather data, or anywhere in between.
Scheduling and reservations for departmental labs is the responsibility of the department. Engineering IT provides workstations and technical support for departmental labs, but does not manage the lab itself.

ews lab labs engineering workstation reservation 
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Khlaf A. in Engineering IT
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University of Illinois Engineering IT