How to use the Groups tool in the my.engr portal
This page shows how to manage which NetIDs are part of your research group's or RSO's active directory security groups.
Many Engineering research groups which are supported by Engineering IT (and some registered student organizations, or RSOs) have "security groups" maintained in Active Directory which control access to resources such as computer logins, printers, and websites. These security groups may also be the authoritative source for FTE counts used for support billing purposes. These groups are normally only editable by authorized administrative or I.T. staff, but this edit access can be delegated directly to research group or RSO members. This is done by adding the relevant security groups to the portal in the "Groups tool".
For those who have been delegated this access, please see below for simple instructions on how to self-manage the membership of these security groups. We do encourage groups to self-manage their security group membership. This allows groups to keep their membership lists up to date, ensures all group members have appropriate access to resources, helps prevent former members and non-members from accessing those resources, and ensures groups are accurately billed for any support costs.
If you would like to request access to self-manage your group's AD security groups, or have any questions about how to do so, or what your security groups are used for, please contact
1) Browse to the Groups tool at:
2) Select your group from the list of available groups.
You should only see groups to which you have edit access.

3) Select which security group you would like to manage.
- Which security groups are available will depend on which security groups have been set up in Active Directory and delegated to you by Engineering IT.
- In general, security groups are named like: [department]-[professor]-[type].
- Most Engineering IT-supported research groups will have separate security groups for different types of people, such as [dept]-[prof]-faculty, [dept]-[prof]-grads, etc.

3a) Syncing class staff groups with Banner
- If you are editing class staff groups for your department (e.g. Class Staff AE), you will see an additional option near the top of the screen

- In the subsequent menu, you can choose the following options

- Note: While we recommend selecting "Full synch" at least once a semester, please be advised that this will remove anyone from course staff groups if they are not already listed as staff for the relevant course in Banner. Depending on your timing for TA appointments, this may cause inconveniences.
4) Managing membership
- You can now add members to this security group by entering their NetID (do not use the full email address), and clicking the "Add" button.
- You can remove individual members by clicking the "-" (dash/hyphen) button next to their NetID/Name.
- Or remove multiple NetIDs at once by selecting the checkbox next to NetIDs you want to remove, then click the "Remove selected" button.

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