Endpoint Services, Workspace ONE, What is Workspace ONE / AirWatch?

Basic information about Technology Services' Workspace ONE / AirWatch service.


Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

Affected Customers

University of Illinois IT Pros leveraging Technology Services Endpoint Service Workspace ONE UEM

General Information

Workspace ONE, formerly known as AirWatch, is VMWare’s unified endpoint management (UEM) implementation. The service allows campus units to configure and manage both unit-owned and personally-owned devices on multiple platforms, including iOS, macOS, tvOS, Google Android, and Windows 10. Workspace ONE allows campus units to purchase and install Apple App Store software on unit- and personally-owned devices without violating state policy, as it allows IT Pros to uninstall software and reassign licenses as needed. This service also allows the configuration of security and other device policies.

Workspace One collects metadata and names of files, but it does not collect the data contents from files located on endpoints. As long as files follow appropriate university naming conventions, Workspace One can be used to manage endpoints that interact with HIPAA data.

Getting started with Workspace ONE.

View costs for using the EPS Workspace ONE service.

View the Workspace ONE service catalog entry.

Contact the EPS team

Keywordseps mdm airwatch workspace one endpoint macOS iOS "workspace one" TechS-EPS-WS1 uem   Doc ID87307
OwnerEPS Distribution ListGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2018-10-29 14:39:19Updated2022-06-27 09:01:56
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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