AV Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting landing page for Engineering IT supported AV systems.

The following are generic troubleshooting tips and steps for many common AV problems. Try simple steps first before restarting the AV system or the computer since these reboots can take a long time. When in doubt, turn it off and on again and check any status lights you can find (red and flashing is almost never good). If the steps below have not solved the problem, please include any pertinent information (what brand and OS was the laptop, did anything display an error message, what are the status lights doing, what has already been tried etc.) in the ticket you create. When restarting room systems, there is generally about a 60-90 second power-on and a 60 second to 5 minute power-off/cool-down phase that you will have to wait through completely.

Keywordsav troubleshooting help tips   Doc ID87384
OwnerEngrIT AVGroupEngineering IT
Shared Services
Created2018-10-30 22:34:13Updated2023-03-09 12:40:59
SitesUniversity of Illinois Engineering IT
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