AITS - Service Desk - Banner Admin Pages - Printing Pages and Formatting Output

You can print individual Banner pages by selecting Print Screenshot from the Tools menu or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+P.

Banner now provides a Print Screenshot functionality from within the application that supports layout changes within the Banner page (e.g. column changes, windows zoom, pagination changes, window resizing, etc.). Configuration and controls within the print dialog box (e.g orientation) are also supported, allowing for even more control over what is printed to the page. 

This feature is accessible either from the Tools menu ( Tools > Print Screenshot ) or by using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P.


Selecting Print Screenshot will open your browser’s print dialog box which will allow you to further customize the screenshot before printing.

Chrome for Windows

Chrome for Windows - print dialog

Firefox for Windows

Firefox for Windows - print dialog

Chrome for Mac/OS X

Chrome for Mac - print dialog

Firefox for Mac/OS X

Firefox for Mac - print dialog

Alternatively, you use the manual process for taking a screenshot. For more information on this option see: [Link for document 68214 is unavailable at this time]

Banner, 9, print, printer, printing, screenshot, AITS 
Doc ID:
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AITS Service Desk in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System